Feisty Heart is a collaborative effort between Ruthie Garibay and Stuart Johnson.
I met Stuart singing back up vocals in a local Los Angeles Band. I played him some of my songs and from there we worked together to shape and mold them in the living room of a tiny beach cottage in Venice, California. Stu has been studying rhythm, drums, and music since he was a kid growing up in Kentucky, where he sported a red and gold marching band uniform and a name tag labeled "Stix Johnson". I could list all the famous people he's played with or gone on tour with, but I'd rather focus on everything he's put into Feisty Heart. Stu can take a song I've written and turn it on its side, then on its back, give it a couple of belly rubs and then maybe even put it back the way it was just to see what it sounds like. I'm really good at starting things, and he's really good at finishing, which means he spends a lot more time on the computer engineering than I do, but we make a good team. We've put in a lot of thought trying to make these songs just right, and we hope you enjoy them.
It's simple, really. Ruthie writes, I listen. I add, we usually agree. We record in a little cottage and like it. Ultimately, we hope you like it too.